Firefox Containers (without using an extension)

A new update was made recently to the Firefox Multi Container extension, requesting permission to…

Resetting Django Migrations Without Losing Data

This shows how to reset django migrations without losing any data. If you’ve deleted an…

Changing git commit AUTHOR and COMMITTER

It’s as simple as: git -c"Author Name" -c commit --amend --reset-author All done.

Bulk Delete Nodes by Type in Drupal 8

For this to work you’ll need to execute it in PHP. A quick way to…

Change Git Commit Date and Git Commit Author Date

To see the author and commit date, do the following in terminal: git log --pretty=fuller…

Force SSL/HTTPS on Apache2 within VirtualHosts

At the end of this brief tutorial, you should be able to redirect all non-https…

PHP-FPM Error Log

Where is this located? By default this is nowhere to be found. Open /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf and…

Retrieving Your Encryption Passphrase – Ubuntu 16.04

Retrieving your encryption passphrase, assuming you chose to encrypt your home folder can be done…