Force SSL/HTTPS on Apache2 within VirtualHosts

At the end of this brief tutorial, you should be able to redirect all non-https…

PHP-FPM Error Log

Where is this located? By default this is nowhere to be found. Open /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf and…

Resolving Cherry-Pick Git Conflicts with Incoming Changes

It’s as easy as pie: git cherry-pick --strategy=recursive -X theirs {hash}

Retrieving Your Encryption Passphrase – Ubuntu 16.04

Retrieving your encryption passphrase, assuming you chose to encrypt your home folder can be done…

Apache’s “Cannot Serve Directory… No matching DirectoryIndex”

Edit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf and add index.php (or your actual directory index file). This should fix an error…

Mac Terminal – Calculating SHA-256 in OSX

By default, doing a shasum in mac terminal gives you the shasum using algorithm 1.…

Add sudo user on Ubuntu

As root, add a user and fill in the prompts, or leave blank: adduser alice…

Remove the Drupal 8 Generator Meta Tag

Apart from removing the generator meta tag in Drupal 8, tags such as MobileOptimized and HandheldFriendly are not…