Cleaning Up Snap in Ubuntu

To see how much diskspace snap is using, you can run sudo du -sh /*…

Configuring Redis For a Semi-High Traffic Site

Memory Management Set maxmemory: Determine the maximum memory Redis can use based on your server’s…

MySQLclient Installation Errors in Python while running pip install mysqlclient

The Problem: mysql_config not found When you try to install mysqlclient using pip, the installation…

The Differences b/w Swift, Java and Scala

Swift, Java, and Scala are all high-level programming languages, but they have some fundamental differences…

WeasyPrint install on Mac M1 with MacPorts (Apple Silicon)

If you used MacPorts instead of Homebrew, here is how to resolve the issue OSError:…

Git Remotes & Remote Branches (Rough Draft for Reference)

  git remote add development (where origin is development) git checkout -b development (where…