Retrieving Your Encryption Passphrase – Ubuntu 16.04

Retrieving your encryption passphrase, assuming you chose to encrypt your home folder can be done…

Mac Terminal – Calculating SHA-256 in OSX

By default, doing a shasum in mac terminal gives you the shasum using algorithm 1.…

Add sudo user on Ubuntu

As root, add a user and fill in the prompts, or leave blank: adduser alice…

git autocomplete on mac osx – el capitan

Sometimes, git autocomplete on mac does not work as expected. This guide assumes you have…

Setup apache2 vhosts

Setting up apache2 vhosts is a continuation from setting up a lamp stack on ubuntu…

Setting up a LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

This quick tutorial shows how to set up a LAMP stack on a clean Ubuntu…

Password Protect with htpasswd without htaccess (apache)

In this post, we’ll quickly go over password protecting your site with htpasswd and apache2,…

How to: Run php in interactive mode directly in console window terminal on Linux

To run PHP directly in the console window terminal (in linux), run the following: php…